New Jersey Jazz Club For Sale. Inquire within.

Posted by D.A. Gutierrez in Commentary, News

June 3rd, 2010   No Comments »

This place could be yours for a cool $1.4 million.

As it is my job to bring you all things related to jazz in New Jersey, I am constantly searching the Internet for new information. Usually it’s concerts, festivals, special appearances, interviews or other such things – you know, typical stuff. But not today…

Today on Craigslist I found a jazz club for sale!

The ad does not give much information about location except that it’s located in Essex County. Since I don’t quite have the required $1.4 million they’re asking for, I decided not to call and pester the broker. But the building evidently has some history, as the ad mentions that Bill Cosby, Joe Pesci and Gregory Hines have performed there at one time or another.

The Craigslist ad leads to another page with some pictures of the inside. Looks like a decent place.

Any takers?